Hi! I’m so happy to have you in my little corner. For years I’ve been playing around with the idea of having a blog (I even tried it a time or two and deleted it before the week was up). Alongside a new Etsy shop, I thought I’d give it a go… but for real this time. Here I plan to share watercolor and calligraphy, along with some favorite things: Jesus stuff, gym stuff, home projects, and whatever happens to be going on right now in life!

Rupert being adorable in a bandana

I’ll start the intros – I’m Allison! I’m a Blue Ridge Mountain Virginia millennial and I’ve been married to a millennial in denial since January 2018. (To appease my husband: our last name “Shively” rhymes with “five lee”). We have two pups and a cat: Poundcake the Boston Terrier, Rupert the Mini Australian Shepherd, and George the… cat… who has taken a liking to my mom’s house rather than our’s.

Both of the dogs have Instas if you need some extra cuteness in your life: @miniaussierupe and @poundcaketheboston.

In real life, I work as an Electrical Engineer and my husband works in finance. In after-work-life we play a lot of Call of Duty (I blame both him and my Nintendo DS for my addiction). Both of us love reading (physical books & audiobooks), lifting weights, and Taco Bell.

Along with my husband, I have a few amazing sisters and friends that round out my bff team. I can’t pretend I’m a great writer or a wonderful speaker, but I hope the things you find here resonates with you, inspires your creativity, makes you laugh, or sways you to get a Miniature Australian Shepherd.

Welcome 🙂