Something I’ve always been terrible at? Decorating. Ironic, huh? I create pieces of art for other homes and then have absolutely no clue what to use in my own.

When we first moved in I painted my kitchen cabinets white and hung up a metal “Home Sweet Home” sign my lovely sister gifted me that fits perfectly. That was all the decor in our entire house aside from a few wedding pictures in Walmart frames. I knew I wanted to decorate more, but I found it to be overwhelming and honestly just expensive.

I’m a sucker for the Target home section, but soon realized it was too much to spend money each season (or even every other season) for a bushel of new things that will be outdated next year. As I get older, I’m learning the name of the game is sustainability. Buying or making things that are meaningful and things that will last through years of redecorating is the trick to creating a space that I love. Maybe that’s you, too!

Here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way as someone who loves having “main” decorations year round.

Disclaimer: I am absolutely not an interior designer, just a homeowner who likes having guidelines and reminders! Another disclaimer: Contrary to what you may read throughout this, I LOVE my Target buys. I just think they (along with a ton of other stores) prey on us internet lovers who like keeping up with trends.

My current coffee corner

Figure out what you actually love

Do you love it or is that wooden sign just having it’s *moment*? I still fall victim to a good Target staging, but I’m learning and growing with every new purchase! Make a Pinterest board or mood board. Figure out what you like outside of what the internet tells you. Is it just a fad? Is it worth the expense to you? Yes? Go for it! Just make sure YOU love it too.

Don’t fall victim to name dropping

I keep attacking Target, but even though I do think they’re often overpriced I still get plenty from here (especially containers). The most important thing is to make sure you’re getting something you really like instead of it being from a particular store or section (looking at you, Magnolia Homes).

Do some shopping around

Following up with the above tip, make sure you’re not just buying to buy! Unless you’re budget-less, I imagine you want to make sure you’re getting a good deal with whatever you buy! It never hurts to give that decorative pillow a quick google search or double check reviews on the Amazon buy.

There’s no rush in creating a space you love

Start slow! If you’re in a time crunch, it’s probably self-inflicted. I’ve thrown together good-looking centerpieces when I know people are coming over, but I’ve also made some dumb purchases just so a space doesn’t look empty. What’s cool about the space you decorate is that it is your’s! Though you probably share it with other people, if the responsibility falls on you, you’re allowed to be choosy with how you decorate. No need to buy something random to make a table look more balanced when it’s not really what you were hoping to put there.

Since that woeful first year, I’ve painted pieces I love, filled a couple shelves, and found a few more items that mean more to me than this year’s fall catchphrase. I hope you find what makes a space special to you and are able to create that in your own home!

If you’re wanting to add a little personality to your walls, here a few items to get you started from my shop: